President's Message

Brief on-point messages from the president.


Planning Future Agendas & Helping Others

Well the white rain has begun for the season and will probably continue for several months. In other words, this is not the season to cruise the cemeteries so we must create other means (inside) to do our research.

Since this is November, it is time for our annual election of officers. Dennis informs me that this year it is only a formality. But also, this is a time to set up meeting agendas for the year 2022. The program will be future agendas as well as helping others with their “brick walls” with various discussions.

Last month, Brenda, Ann, and Allen showed us what is available in our own genealogy library where we meet. With as much that we do have in our “genealogy cubby hole”, I am sure that some of those brick walls could be knocked down.

Hope to see you all on Monday, November 22nd, and do not forget to bring your masks. And to all, Happy Turkey Day and have a great Holiday Season, meaning Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and by all means, stay healthy.