Gleanings from the Maine History
Gleanings from the Maine History vol.51 winter 2016-17 article on poorhouses and town farms… and census records and town reports and other knowledge I’ve picked up over the years…… You
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. – William Shakespeare
Gleanings from the Maine History vol.51 winter 2016-17 article on poorhouses and town farms… and census records and town reports and other knowledge I’ve picked up over the years…… You
R.I.P. for those who speak English means rest in peace. For French speakers it is repose(r) paix. It’s what we say as our translation of the Latin requiescat in pace.
If you go to the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs web site you will find the National Cemetery Administration page. They have a list of headstone and marker inscription abbreviations.
— Gleaned from the BDN Another good reason for doing your family tree is so that when you’re reading the newspaper and look at ‘Today In History’ you’ll know what
When I started my DAR research many years ago I wanted to join on the ancestor a cousin used. The DAR now needs double proofs and things were less strict
In October I went to Virginia on family business. While there I stopped for an hour at The Library of Virginia (Archives) in Richmond. I did the same 5 years
Back in the 1800s and even later many towns and counties and others published biographical histories. Obviously many people submitted their family histories as they knew them. I suspect they
Gleanings from NEHGS e-newsletter…. The Newburyport Public Library in Essex Co., Mass has an historical newspaper digital database for the Daily Herald and other local papers. It’s a work in
For those who have relatives in the Boy Scouts of America…be sure that they are aware that there is a genealogy merit badge.
One of my families talked about an ancestor who served under John Paul Jones on the Bon Homme Richard. Those of us of certain age remember learning about that ship