President's Message

Brief on-point messages from the president.


Old Photos, Share and Tell

It is getting warmer. The dirty snow is slowly disappearing. It is almost time for all genealogists to descend on their local cemeteries. In other words, action is now required because it is a short season for us Northerners to glean information from long-lost descendants’ gravestones.

But first of all, our meeting this month is a continuation of February’s meeting. Bring to the meeting old pictures of family members, buildings, etc. Brenda would like to use some as a part of her display in the library research room.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave a one-hour presentation via Zoom to various UMPI Sage members concerning the restoration work that has been done by members of the ACGS to restore the Cochran Cemetery, as well as the current listing of the burial sites in Aroostook County. I have heard that it was well-received.

Hope to see you all on the 25th.