Row of ancient books some of them over 300 years old
Picture of Brenda Jackson Bourgoine

Brenda Jackson Bourgoine

A short bio will go here


An Adoption Question and More Donations

In June, a gentleman came into the library and asked for me; since I wasn’t in, a request form was filled out. He wanted to know why his grandparents adopted a child when they had 11 children already. UNIQUE and new for me, her name was “La.” He didn’t know anything else about her! He gave us his grandparents’ names, and I did the research, not finding “La,” I thought.

He and I met in our library, I shared my findings with him with an opinion of who she might belong to; the eldest daughter had been married and widowed and didn’t remarry for about nine years, and she might have been in that gap. The answer came when he made calls, and the second sister he talked to remembered “La” but had no knowledge of her past. I suggested he ask this sister if “La” was married and to whom. She told him the husband’s name, we had our answer in my research!

The grandfather had two marriages (unknown to them); his first wife died, leaving him with one living daughter. THIS was “La,” of course; when he remarried, she continued to live with the family. Her given name was WILLA. He was one happy person, case solved.

Mr. Potter donated microfilm reels and microfiche. I will have the list compiled and available in our library. Jay Bullard has made many donations in the past month. I will also have a list compiled for viewing. I have many books to enter into our database, please be patient. It will also involve rearranging some of the units and shelving.

Nancy Bosse has compiled an index for the Generations publications, and she has donated hundreds of excellent used sheet protectors and three-ring notebooks. We have a good supply of both in storage. When free office products and organizational supplies are offered, we save them for future use.

Thank you to everyone for your donations.