
Farm in Benedicta (2012)
Farm in Benedicta (2012)

Benedicta is located in southern Aroostook County. It was established as a plantation on February 1, 1873, with a population of about 400. Just over one hundred years later, in 1987, it surrendered its plantation status and became an unorganized township administered by the State. — Maine, an Encyclopedia

GPS Coordinates

45°49′32″N 68°12′47″


Benedicta Township, Aroostook County, Maine, 04733

Census Locations

1850 Census

Benedicta Plantation

1860 Census

Benedicta Plantation (No. 2, R. 5)

1870 Census

Twp. No. 2, Range 5

1880 Census

Benedicta Plantation

Grid Location


Associated Place Names

Sherman and Sherman Mills