Odds and Ends

Ann Cushman provides a marvelous resource of odds and ends and tidbits and stuff from the unusual to the amusing. In between, you might find a clue or a new source of information to aid your research.


From The Irish Times for Dec. 5th. 2019

Beyond 2022 is Ireland’s Virtual Treasury research project to try and retrieve as many documents as possible that were lost in the fire at the Public Records Office in 1922 during the Civil War. They’re trying to recreate virtually as much of the archives as they can in digital format that will be accessible to everyone.

Supposedly there will be 50 million words to search. You’ll be able to search for info for individual names. Five institutions in Ireland and Great Britain are involved and they’ve even found documents in the U.S. They’re using artificial intelligence to help.

No doubt it will be helpful as I would assume the records are going to be in English, Gaelic, Latin and written in cursive. Search Beyond 2022 for more info.